Monday 28 November 2016

Diseases of The Protect Your Child in Autumn

Expert Dietitian Duygu Çetin said that in the autumn months, healthy and balanced nutrition is essential to strengthen our immunity, reduce the incidence of illnesses, and easily get caught. The cold winter days are approaching, and autumn brings a lot of diseases. During the seasonal shifts, the risk of catching winter diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis is also increasing. For this reason, it is necessary to re-examine the diet. Along with the opening of schools, the diseases seen in children especially during school age are increasing. Strengthening children's immune systems is crucial to prevent this. Many parents support their children's defense system with vitamins and immune system-enhancing products from the outside. However, the healthy and balanced nutrition of the child's natural vitamins and minerals needed to get the most beautiful ... Fish-containing omega 3 supports immunity. For this reason, it is very important for children to consume at least 1 meal per week. Yeast products such as yogurt and kefir also strengthen our immune system with the probiotics and prebiotics they contain.


In addition to oranges and tangerines, winter must be indispensable for children to consume lemons. At least 1 orange or 2 tangerines a day consumes the child's daily vitamin C provides. You can also give your child a very pleasant drink with a lemonade that you will prepare at home, and you can protect it against infections with the rich C vitamins content. Apple and kiwi are also fruitful to strengthen the immunity. The apple can be consumed by boiling both raw and ginger and turmeric.


Your child's defense system must have a healthy body in order to be strong. The prerequisite for this is that the child is refined as far as possible and the shelf life is kept away from the long leaves. In addition, we need to consume enough amounts of antioxidants, A, C, E, D vitamins, iron and selenium in order to get them in enough quantities. Selenium; Mushrooms, beef and lamb, shrimp, salmon and tuna fish. One of the most common health problems in our country is the iron deficiency anemis. Iron deficiency anemia can occur when both iron uptake is insufficient and iron loss is present. Iron is found in meat, molasses, liver, eggs, raisins, pulses and some green vegetables. Zinc mineral also plays an important role in the strong defense mechanism. For this reason, zinc preparations have been on the list of best sellers in recent years. Your child, on the other hand, can take the zinc needed for the body from the daily consumed foods. For example; 100 gr ette (3 dumplings) 9 mg, cooked chickpeas 100 grams contains 1.4 mg of zinc.


Vegetables and fruits reinforce our immunity through the vitamins they contain, especially vitamins D and C. Vitamin A is found in yellow and dark green vegetables and fruits. Carotenoids are considered to be the forerunner of vitamin A. It contains plenty of carotene in grapefruit, carrots, dried apricots, Trabzon, red cabbage, beets, red radishes, blueberries and blackberries. Vitamin C strengthens the defense system by providing harmful substances to the body. Foods such as green pepper, parsley, cress, rocket, cauliflower, spinach, rosehip have abundant amounts of vitamin C.


Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, celery, chard, radish, spinach must be consumed especially in winter. Onion and garlic are also immunostimulant and antimicrobial effects, so vegetables can be cooked together with them. Spinach contains vitamin C, E and B vitamins and iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine minerals to strengthen the immunity as well as protect us against colds. It also prevents constipation because it softens the intestines. Pirasan, which increases body resistance, has the ability to prevent the formation of kidney stones and to prevent cancer. Parsley is a provitamin (Beta carotene) source. With this feature, visual power is influential on the functions of the capillary system, the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland. The leaves are rich in iron (A, C, K), potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium. A pinch of parsley will meet most of your daily Vitamin C needs, which you will add to your child's breakfast.

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